From the start of Israel's occupation of Arab lands in 1967, the United States opposed the establishment of Jewish settlements in the territories. This pillar of U.S. policy was based on the legal bedrock provided by the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention), adopted in 1949 and signed by Israel in 1951. Paragraph 6 of the convention's Article 49 states: The occupying power shall deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. It was this clear and forthright international accord that provided the basis for the universal opposition that greeted Israel when it began, in the immediate aftermath of the war, to colonize the territories it had occupied, a process that has continued without pause despite U.S. and world condemnation. In the years since the occupation began, the United Nations, both the Security Council and the General Assembly, has repeatedly condemned Israel's settlement activity, declaring it a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. At best, the United States has an inconsistent record toward these resolutions. Nonetheless, Washington consistently maintained to the Arabs and within the international community that its position against settlements was based on the Fourth Geneva Convention, the implication-at times made explicit-being that they were illegal. This continued to be the case up to 1981, when the newly elected Ronald Reagan declared they were not ille-
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