Among modern unmanned aerial vehicles, a special place is occupied by hybrid multicopters, in which internalcombustion engines are used along with electric motors to create lift. They can carry a larger load for a longertime. But the combination of a more powerful engine with less powerful ones, the variability of the inertialcharacteristics during the flight, significantly complicate the dynamics of such an object and its control. Therefore,there is almost no practical experience in operating such devices, which is the motivation for research anddevelopment in this area. The article deals with a helicopter-type multicopter with five electric motors (4+1 on thetail) and a central internal combustion engine. A mathematical description of the dynamics and kinematics of the
 apparatus has been created for the purpose of computer simulation of a controlled flight. The description takes intoaccount all internal dynamic factors and is given simultaneously with respect to the inertial and associatedcoordinate systems, which simplifies the solution of the flight control problem as much as possible. For the latter, amultiloop motion control scheme with the help of motors has been developed. The algorithms are based on thedecomposition of the problem under the conditions of typical motion modes and the modal control method, whichprovides the desired quality of transient processes. A universal automaton for the interaction of control algorithmsfor each engine is described. A typical flight program is simulated, containing climb, course change, following tothe set hovering point and landing under it. The presented results showed the performance of the algorithms anddetermined the directions for further research. The results in the form of a mathematical model, recommendationsfor task decomposition and specific algorithms can be used in the process of designing a hybrid multicopter controlsystem.
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