Background of The Study: Motor function deficits are life changing and devastating consequences ofstroke9. It affects the patient’s mobility, daily life activities, participation in society. The most commonmanifestation of upper extremity motor impairment includes muscle weakness, changes in the tone andimpaired motor control. Both unilateral and bilateral arm training found to be an effective strategy for therecovery of upper limb motor function after stroke.Aim of The Study: The aim of the study is to compare the effects of unilateral arm training versus bilateralarm training in post-stroke patients with motor impairment of hand.Objective Of The Study:Ø To assess the effects of unilateral arm training in post-stroke patients with motor impairment of hand.Ø To assess the effects of bilateral arm training in post-stroke patients with motor impairment of hand.Ø To compare the effects of unilateral arm training versus bilateral arm training in poststroke patients withmotor impairment of hand.Method: 30 post stroke patients were recruited for the study based on the inclusion criteria and were dividedinto group A and group B consisting of 15 subjects each. Group A were treated with unilateral arm trainingand Group-B were treated with bilateral arm training. Pretest and posttest scores assessment was done.Result: It showed significant improvement in functional ability of the upper limb as measured by ARATand CAHAI-13. The p value of both the group is <0.05. This study showed that Group-B subjects whowere treated with Bilateral arm training proved to be more effective than Group-A who were treated withunilateral arm training in post stroke patients with motor impairment of hand.Conclusion: This study showed that bilateral arm training is more effective than unilateral arm training inimproving the overall motor function of hand in post stroke individuals.
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