Olex2 [1] is free, open source software which has been in the development at Durham University since 2004, with first public releases appearing in 2008. It is being actively developed and new versions are frequently released. Olex2 has established itself as a well-known, self-contained crystallographic package which, in additions to its own structure solution and refinement utilities, provides a unified user interface to external programs such as Sir, Superflip and the ShelX suit of programs. It provides number of tools for model building, structure and data analyses, CIF generation and reports preparation. From the beginning Olex2 was developed with visual feedback in mind and currently it provides `traffic-light' indications for data and the structure refinement and the default ADP rendering always gives an instant indication of the model quality. This presentation will focus on the aspects of the recent and future developments in Olex2.
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