A new circuit structure is proposed for design of dual- band bandpass fllters with a wide upper stopband. The unit cell of the circuit consists of two two-port networks in shunt connection; one is a coupled-line section of ‚/4 long followed by a transmission line segment of identical length, and the other has the same elements but cascaded in reverse order, where ‚/4 is the wavelength at arithmetic mean frequency of the two passbands. Higher-order circuits can be obtained by directly cascading two or more such cells and show improved frequency selectivity. In addition to on both sides of the passbands, transmission zeros are also created in the rejection bands. Analysis of the unit cell circuit is formulated by the transmission line theory, and design curves for one- and two-cell circuits are provided. In realization, interdigital capacitors are incorporated with the ‚/4 coupled sections for compensating the efiect of unequal modal phase velocities on the fllter performance in the rejection band. Two circuits are fabricated and measured to validate the analysis.
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