The second continental species ofAntidaphne north of Colombia, A. hondurense Kuijt (Eremolepidaceae), is described and illustrated. The species is monoecious and related to A. andina Kuijt and A. wrightii (Grisebach) Kuijt. Antidaphne hondurense Kuijt, sp. nov. TYPE: Honduras. Comayagua: (San Juanillo), Camino a San Juanillo, 11 km al Suroeste de Siguatepeque, Reserva Biol6gica Cordillera de Montecillos, bosque nublado latifoliado, 14?29'N, 87053'W, 1890 m, sobre Quercus (No. 218), Mej]a Darto 219 (holotype, MO; isotype, LEA). Figures 1-6. Folia elliptica vel ovata, sessiles, apice obtusa. Flores distributione monoica, floribus pistillatis singulis, staminatisque in spicis brevissimi. Inconspicuous, glabrous plants 0.5 m diam., sympodial in habit, branches forking regularly, internodes strongly angular when young, ca. 1 cm long. Leaves to 3 X 2 cm, elliptical to ovate, sessile, fairly thin but leathery, apex rounded, base obtuse to acute, attachment 2 mm wide, from which numerous palmate veins reach far into the blade. Monoecious; flower buds 1 x 1 mm, globular; petals 4, triangular. Male inflorescences apparently originating in the axils of the prophylls associated with the female flower and thus paired, and developing later than the female flower; male flowers with 4 free stamens 0.5 mm long opposite petals and surrounding a central disk, anthers with 4 locules, flowers in a very short (3 mm), squamate, indeterminate spike, 6 per spike, each sunken in small alveolus above a scale-leaf. Female flower in cupulate bract, which is placed between two somewhat naviculate prophylls with lacerate margin and acute tip, the combined structure axillary to, and solitary in the axil of, a foliage leaf; style 0.5 mm long, stout and straight, with flat stigmatic surface. Fruit ca. 8 mm diam., spherical or nearly so, smooth, purple, the small, persistent petals recurved. Antidaphne hondurense represents the second continental species of Eremolepidaceae north of Colombia, the other species, A. viscoidea Poeppig & Endlicher, ranging from Chiapas to Bolivia (Kuijt, 1988). The latter has not, however, so far been collected in Honduras. In fact, A. hondurense is more closely related to A. andina Kuijt from the northern Andes, and possibly to A. wrightii (Grisebach) Kuijt from the Greater Antilles, and forms an interesting geographical connection between the two. All three species, in contrast to A. viscoidea, are monoecious, the former two with one female and several male flowers occupying each leaf axil, at least the female flowers not associated in inflorescences; furthermore, female flowers are 4-partite rather than 2or 3partite, as in A. viscoidea; and male flowers bear petals in species other than A. viscoidea, which is apetalous. Antidaphne hondurense differs from A. andina and A. wrightii in its sympodial habit, leaf shape, and in the much larger, more spherical, and purple fruit. I am assuming that at least the young plants have basal roots, as they do in the other species of Antidaphne. The plant is sympodial-a condition that has frequently evolved in various mistletoe genera, including Eubrachion of Eremolepidaceae (Kuijt, 1988)-but the particular form which this branching pattern takes in A. hondurense seems to be unique at least among mistletoes. As mentioned in the above description, each leaf is normally associated with one female flower, placed in a median position, plus two collateral buds; the latter, in turn, may be flanked by one or two smaller buds. However, the largest pair of collateral buds of the uppermost leaf develop into two more or less symmetrical innovations. Thus a more or less regularly forked plant develops, even though the alternate phyllotaxy of the species would seem to prohibit it. Paratype. HONDURAS. Comayagua: Cerro Azul Me~imbar, 10.5 km E of lago Yojoa, dense hardwood cloud forest with bamboo understory on ridge leading to Cerro Azul peak, 14018'N, 87053'W, 1850 m, Thomas 617 (MO). NovoN 8: 402-404. 1998. This content downloaded from on Sat, 09 Apr 2016 06:46:03 UTC All use subject to Volume 8, Number 4 Kuijt 403 1998 Antidaphne hondurense from Mesoamerica
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