The problem discussed by Carter and Bentley, that of constructing the surface of rupture of a landslide using ground station movements, is becoming important as more landslides are monitored using total station electronic distance-measuring equipment that routinely gives ground motion vectors (McRae 1982). After some motion, the scarp of a landslide has developed sufficiently to become readily identifiable and, often, shows striations allowing the slip vector on the scarp to be simply determined. The toe of the surface of rupture is overlain by the displaced mass and its position cannot be easily found. So, rather than knowing the position of the scarp and toe of the surface of rupture and the ground motion vectors at points between them (as Carter and Bentley's solution required), we generally know the ground motion at the scarp and have some difficulty estimating the position of the toe. This is the situation illustrated in Carter and Bentley's Fig. 2. The construction of the surface of rupture under this second set of circumstances is analogous to the construction of bedding surfaces along a section line given the orientation of the bedding at various outcrops. The graphical methods used for this by structural geologists were first suggested by Hewett (1920) and worked out in detail by Busk (1929). Ragan (1973, chapt. 8) described them for the undergraduate geology student. They are illustrated here using Carter and Bentley's Fig. 1. As in the Carter and Bentley method, normals are first drawn to the slip vectors and these intersect at centres of curvature, Oi. An arc of the surface of rupture can then be drawn centred at 01, the intersection of the normal, N1, to the scarp slip vector and the normal to the next ground vector downhill. The arc passes through the scarp slip vector to intersect the projection of N2 at VZ (Fig. 1). The surface of rupture can then be extended by an arc centred at 02, the intersection of N2 and N3, from V2 to intersect Nj at V3. Similarly, the surface is extended from V3 using an arc centred at O3 and so on.
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