The study of chimeric retinas has yielded insight on the early development of retina. The close match in chimerism ratios between right and left retinas is significant and supports the idea that both retinas originate from a common population of progenitors. We are able to estimate numbers of progenitor cells that contribute to the formation of the retina and the approximate time at which this small group is isolated from surrounding prosencephalic cell fields. These cells undergo at least five rounds of division before the first retinal neurons are generated. The mouse retina is not build from the center outward. There is simultaneous expansion and differentiation in all parts of the retina and as a result clones are not arranged in wedges. Instead the mouse retina is a patchwork of clones that do not differ greatly in size from center to periphery. The most consistent radial feature in mouse retina is a raphe left at the line of fusion of the margins of the ventral fissure. Processes that shape the clonal patchwork are both passive and active, intrinsic and extrinsic. Certain features of the clonal architecture of the retina, such as the size differences of clones are primarily passive responses to extrinsic forces on progenitor cells and their progeny. The fifteen-fold range in the size of cohorts is not due to intrinsic differences in the proliferative capacity of individual progenitor cells, but is due to the extent of cell movement and mixing at early stages of development. In contrast, active or intrinsic processes are illustrated by the partial (and still controversial) restriction of retinal progenitors, the possible clonal differences between ganglion cells with crossed and uncrossed projections, and the consistent differences in ratios of albino and pigmented genotypes in peripheral and central retina.
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