
In the mammalian optic chiasm retinal axons from each eye divide into two populations, those that decussate and those that remain uncrossed. In eutherian (placental) mammals, the separation of these pathways is not reflected in the structure of the chiasm. The two populations from each eye are mixed through each hemichiasm, segregating only at the midline, where the uncrossed projection turns back. In this study the optic chiasm of a marsupial, the wallaby, Setonix brachyurus (quokka) has been investigated with staining and neuronal tracing techniques. The chiasm of this mammal is quite different from that of eutherian mammals. In coronal section it can be morphologically subdivided into three regions, a central body in which fasciculated groups of axons from each eye interdigitate across the midline, and two distinct lateral regions, one on each side, which contain the uncrossed retinal projections. In the rostral chiasm the lateral regions are separated from the main body of the chiasm by vertically oriented fibre-free regions. Caudally, the lateral regions increase in size and become less distinct as increasing numbers of contralaterally projecting axons that have crossed the midline project into them. However, the two populations remain predominantly segregated in this region. As the lateral regions develop, the central body of the chiasm becomes thinner and finally detaches at the midline to form the two optic tracts. The routes taken by retinal axons through the eutherian and marsupial chiasm appear to be fundamentally different. Therefore, the developmental factors that determine the laterality of retinal projections are likely to show significant differences in the two mammalian groups.

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