In our paper [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8 (2021), pp. 86–99] we showed that a Tychonoff spaceXXis aΔ\Delta-space (in the sense of R. W. Knight [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 339 (1993), pp. 45–60], G. M. Reed [Fund. Math. 110 (1980), pp. 145–152]) if and only if the locally convex spaceCp(X)C_{p}(X)is distinguished. Continuing this research, we investigate whether the classΔ\DeltaofΔ\Delta-spaces is invariant under the basic topological operations.We prove that ifX∈ΔX \in \Deltaandφ:X→Y\varphi :X \to Yis a continuous surjection such thatφ(F)\varphi (F)is anFσF_{\sigma }-set inYYfor every closed setF⊂XF \subset X, then alsoY∈ΔY\in \Delta. As a consequence, ifXXis a countable union of closed subspacesXiX_isuch that eachXi∈ΔX_i\in \Delta, then alsoX∈ΔX\in \Delta. In particular,σ\sigma-product of any family of scattered Eberlein compact spaces is aΔ\Delta-space and the product of aΔ\Delta-space with a countable space is aΔ\Delta-space. Our results give answers to several open problems posed by us [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8 (2021), pp. 86–99].LetT:Cp(X)⟶Cp(Y)T:C_p(X) \longrightarrow C_p(Y)be a continuous linear surjection. We observe thatTTadmits an extension to a linear continuous operatorT^\widehat {T}fromRX\mathbb {R}^XontoRY\mathbb {R}^Yand deduce thatYYis aΔ\Delta-space wheneverXXis. Similarly, assuming thatXXandYYare metrizable spaces, we show thatYYis aQQ-set wheneverXXis.Making use of obtained results, we provide a very short proof for the claim that every compactΔ\Delta-space has countable tightness. As a consequence, under Proper Forcing Axiom every compactΔ\Delta-space is sequential.In the article we pose a dozen open questions.
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