Abstract Hydrological models and quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) are critical elements of flood forecasting systems. Both are subject to considerable uncertainties. Quantifying their relative contribution to the forecasted streamflow and flood uncertainty has remained challenging. Past work documented in the literature focused on one of these elements separately from the other. With this in mind, we present a systematic approach to assess the impact of QPE uncertainty in streamflow forecasting. Our approach explores the operational Iowa Flood Center (IFC) hydrological model performance after altering two radar-based QPE products. We ran the Hillslope Link Model (HLM) for Iowa between 2015 and 2020, altering the Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system and the specific attenuation-based (IFCA) IFC radar-derived product with a multiplicative error term. We assessed the forecasting system performance at 112 USGS streamflow gauges using the altered QPE products. Our results suggest that addressing rainfall uncertainty has the potential for much-improved flood forecasting spatially and seasonally. We identified spatial patterns linking prediction improvements to the radar’s location and the magnitude of rainfall. Also, we observed seasonal trends suggesting underestimations during the cold season (October–April). The patterns for different radar products are generally similar but also show some differences, implying that the QPE algorithm plays a role. This study’s results are a step toward separating modeling and QPE uncertainties. Future work involving larger areas and different hydrological and error models is essential to improve our understanding of the impact of QPE uncertainty. Significance Statement This study investigates the impact of radar rainfall on flood forecasting uncertainty. Previous research focused on rainfall–runoff models, ignoring the errors in rainfall estimation. We used a systematic approach to adjust two radar-rainfall products, forcing a simple hydrological model. Results show the potential improvement in streamflow prediction by correcting basinwide bias in rainfall. The optimal correction varies with basin size, location, season, and rainfall amount.
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