TH E necessity for adequate test equipment capable of the dynamic balancing of missile and rocket equipment, such as rocket motors, rotating launchers, flywheels, and turbo machines, has always presented designers with problems of test machine simplicity, size, and application. Aerophysics has recently solved this problem through the design and development of a simple vertical balancing machine capable of the dynamic balancing of equipment up to 5000-lb weight, 20,000-lb thrust, up to 36 in. diam, over-all lengths of 10 ft, and rotating speeds of 10,000 rpm. Dynamic unbalance may be measured on a spinning rocket motor, firing or not firing. The problem of dynamic balancing is one of bringing into coincidence the mass centerline and geometric centerline of a rotating mass. The unbalance is determined by measuring the amplitude and phase of motion of the freely suspended rotating mass. Weights for correction can then be applied in any two corrective planes if it is necessary. At a speed of 1000 rpm, a 200-lb rotor approximately 50 in. long has been balanced to an accuracy of approximately one-millionth of a radian. Displacement pickups on the test stand have measured displacement to an accuracy of within 0.000050 in. This corresponds to a weight correction of only /16 oz or 0.004 lb. The test stand consists of a rigid outer frame, and a stiff lightweight inner frame mounted on two or more flexure rods or cables. These flexure rods serve as vertical supports for the inner frame but do not constrain the lateral or pitching motion of the frame. Adjustments are provided for varying the lengths and attachment points of the flexure rods. In this way the natural frequency of the inner frame can be modified, as desired, to provide optimum response amplitudes. The adjustments will depend on the rotational speed of the equipment mounted in the inner frame. The freely suspended inner frame permits the resolution and recording of extremely minute amplitudes which are due to small amounts of unbalance in the rotating mass. The outer frame is stiff and comparatively heavy in order to minimize external disturbances to the balancing machine and to provide a fixed frame of reference for measurement. Rigid stops are provided in all directions for safety, convenience of operation, and protection of the flexure rods. The stops may be adjusted, as necessary, to allow motion within the measuring range of the pickups. Instrumentation is provided for measuring displacements in two correction planes and a phase angle (angular location of unbalance) at the various rotational speeds. The displacement and phase ! 1 1
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