A cubic perovskite RbSrF3 structure has been doped with hydrogen and potassium, and their comparative study was carried out for the structural, electronic, and optical parameters. Self-consistent computation of ultra-soft pseudopotential plane-wave along with generalized gradient approximation (GGA) with Perdew Burke Ehrenzorf (GGA-PBE) exchange-correlation potential under the first principle is used for the computation of properties. Evaluated optimized lattice constant for Pm3m supercell is in good agreement with the already reported results and the bandgap reduces to a desired value for the “K” and “H” doping concentrations from 0% to 0.55%, this reduction is useful for water splitting and photovoltaic applications. The localized electrons for different bands are explained by DOS and PDOS. The optical properties for pure and H, K doped RbSrF3 have been recognized by allocating the maximas obtained after calculations. This was the first-ever comparative theoretical study of this type for RbSrF3 compound with the potassium and hydrogen dopants as far as our knowledge.
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