Hole spin qubits are frontrunner platforms for scalable quantum computers because of their large spin-orbit interaction which enables ultrafast all-electric qubit control at low power. The fastest spin qubits to date are defined in long quantum dots with two tight confinement directions, when the driving field is aligned to the smooth direction. However, in these systems the lifetime of the qubit is strongly limited by charge noise, a major issue in hole qubits. We propose here a different, scalable qubit design, compatible with planar CMOS technology, where the hole is confined in a curved germanium quantum well surrounded by silicon. This design takes full advantage of the strong spin-orbit interaction of holes, and at the same time suppresses charge noise in a wide range of configurations, enabling highly coherent, ultrafast qubit gates. While here we focus on a Si/Ge/Si curved quantum well, our design is also applicable to different semiconductors. Strikingly, these devices allow for ultrafast operations even in short quantum dots by a transversal electric field. This additional driving mechanism relaxes the demanding design constraints, and opens up a new way to reliably interface spin qubits in a single quantum dot to microwave photons. By considering state-of-the-art high-impedance resonators and realistic qubit designs, we estimate interaction strengths of a few hundreds of MHz, largely exceeding the decay rate of spins and photons. Reaching such a strong coupling regime in hole spin qubits will be a significant step towards high-fidelity entangling operations between distant qubits, as well as fast single-shot readout, and will pave the way towards the implementation of a large-scale semiconducting quantum processor.
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