
We provide a theoretical study for the dynamical behavior of two-photon Rabi oscillations in two coupled quantum dots. Each dot is a three-level quantum system (ground, one-exciton, and biexciton states). We describe the optical dynamics within the density matrix formalism framework. The two-photon Rabi oscillations are found to be significantly affected by the strength of the interdot dipolar interaction. Using a detuned laser pulse with an exciton state of the driven quantum dot in our numerical simulations, a direct coherent excitation between the biexciton states can be established, but whether Rabi oscillations can be observed depend mainly on the strength of the dipolar interaction and bandwidth of the excitation laser. When the strength of the dipolar coupling is less than the excitation laser bandwidth, the time-dependent populations of the various two biexciton states of the system exhibit coherent oscillations with several frequencies. However, as we increase the dipolar coupling strength, the population transfer between the quantum dots levels amazingly becomes forbidden, and the excitation gets trapped at the initial state. The reduction of the influence of the dipolar interaction leads to a manipulation of two-photon Rabi oscillation in an ultrashort timescale (∼ps), opening possibilities to achieve ultrafast quantum state control and quantum logic gate generation.

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