Abstract We examine Parker Solar Probe (PSP) magnetic field and plasma observations during its first encounter with the Sun in early 2018 November. During this perihelion time, impulsive reversals in the magnetic field, called “switchbacks,” were found in the data set characterized by a quick rotation in B along with a simultaneous increase in solar wind flow. In this work, we examine the structure and morphology of 920 switchback boundaries as PSP enters and exits the structures, specifically looking for evidence of boundary degradation, dissipation, and associated ultralow frequency (ULF) magnetic wave activity. We find that boundaries with the most abrupt, step-function-like change in B r and V r also show little evidence of dissipation and ULF wave activity. In contrast, there is a set of boundaries that appears highly degraded with ULF magnetic activity in the vicinity of the boundary. We thus infer that the steep, step-like boundaries with little ULF activity are relatively young in comparison to the degraded boundaries. The distribution in relative ages suggests that the switchback boundary formation process is dynamic and evolving, even occurring near the PSP observation point inside of 40 R s .
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