An ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) ultrahigh-resolution (UHR) 100kV scanning electron microscope with a UHV specimen preparation chamber has been developed for in situ observation of clean specimen surfaces. The measured vacuum in the specmen area was about 2.2 × 10-8 Pa, and a 0.14nm lattice image of Au (220) was observed.Field emission scanning electron microscopes have been developed for the past ten years for sub-nanometer analysis. However, in recent analytical electron microscopy of so-called “new materials” such as ceramics and semiconductors, half nanometer analysis in UHV has become extremely important for materials characterization.Figure 1 shows an external view of the microscope. The microscope column and it’s control console are shown at the left and right, respectively. The seales of microscope column are only metal 0 rings and Cu-gaskets, and automatic bake-out is carried out at about 160°C.Figure 2 shows the electron optics of the system. A thermal assisted field emission gun (TFEG) with a W (100) emitter was used as a high-brightness gun, thus ensuring a brightness of 2 × 108 A/cm2 · str at 100 kV.
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