Whatever happened to corporatism?, Colin Crouch and Ronald Dore Japan - a nation made for corporatism?, Ronald Dore corporatism and accountability - the democratic dilemma, Norman Lewis regulating Britain, regulating America - corporatism and the securities industry, Michael Moral the engineering profession - from self-regulation to state-sponsored collaboration, Martin Laffin corporatist interest intermediation - goverment-building society relations in the UK, Martin Boddy and Christine Lamber agricultural regulation and the politics of milk production , Graham Cox et al the MSC's Area Manpower Boards - the role of employer and union representatives, Roger King and Kris Schnack tripartite industrial training systems - a comparative study, Andrew Erridge and Michael Connolly cleavage and concertation - the limits of a corporatist analysis of the Scottish political economy, Chris Moore and Simon Booth.
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