BRIEFER NOTICES Compiled by Barbara L. Curtis At die invitation of Crosswicks, New Jersey, Friends, die annual Spring meeting of die Friends Historical Association was held on Sunday, June 1, 1986 at die Crosswicks Friends Meeting House in conjunction with members of Friends Social Union. Delaware Valley Friends joined Crosswicks Friends in meeting for worship followed by luncheon on die Meeting House lawn, after which die afternoon program was convened in die Meeting House. Barbara Curtis, president of die Association, opened the meeting by presenting Edwin B. Bronner, retiring director ofthe Haverford College Library, witii a volume prepared in his honor by friends and colleagues. Seeking the Light, a joint publication of the Friends Historical Association and Pendle Hill Publications, contains several historical essays on both American and English Quaker topics, and a brief biography and a partial bibliography of Edwin Bronner. Edward Hendrickson, speaking on behalf of Crosswicks Friends, gave a brief account of local Friends' meetings and die several meeting houses located at Crosswicks. One of diem is now operated by uie Chesterfield Township Historical Society and was visited by some of the visiting Friends during die lunch break. The main speaker of die afternoon, Ronald Selleck, 1985-86 T. Wistar Brown Fellow in Quaker Studies at Haverford College, gave a paper on die ministerial work ofStephen Grellet, die French emigré Quaker who made his home in die Jersey area near Burlington. Information has been received from Thomas Kennedy, professor of history at uie University of Arkansas, regarding his research on die history of Southland College in Arkansas in die mid-19th century, an educational effort on behalf of freedmen in which Indiana Quakers played a significant role. Professor Kennedy has discovered important papers relating to Southland College in die attic of the offices of Friends United Meeting in Richmond, Indiana. These papers have been deposited in uie special collections department of die University of Arkansas Library, and a grant has been obtained from die state division of die National Endowment for die Humanities to enable die materials to be sorted, catalogued and classified. A microfilm is being prepared and a copy will be sent to uie Friends United Meeting office for use by scholars üiere. On June 24-26 uie sixth biennial Conference of Quaker Historians and Archivists was held at Malone College in North Canton, Ohio. Stanford Terhune, librarian of Malone College, presided at the conference which some forty participants attended. T. D. S. Bassett of Burlington, Vermont, served as convenor and Damon Hickey, director of die Quaker Historical Collections at Guilford College, was program coordinator. Newsfrom Friends Seminary (New York City), Winter Issue 1986, is devoted to an account of die Bicentennial observance of uie school which began on January 6, 1986, with the raising of a special commemorative banner. The culminating weekend held on April 24-26 included talks by several heads of Friends schools and the appearance ofa history ofdie school, Children ofthe Light, prepared by an alumna, Nancy Reid Gibbs. Copies may be purchased from die school at 222 East 16Ui St., New York, NY 10003. 138 Briefer Notes139 "Quilted for Friends," an exhibition of Delaware Valley Signature Quilts, 18401855 , took place at Odessa, DE, April 27-July 20, 1986, at the Brick Hotel Gallery. Sponsors of the program were die Delaware Humanities Forum, die Sussex Trust Company and otiier private lenders. Some of uie quilts had Quaker origins. Loren V. Fay has been engaged in research and publication of Quaker genealogy in die 19th century. He is preparing an index of over 20,000 names of Friends from Vermont, New York, Western Massachusetts, and Ontario, Canada, since die 1828 separation. Anyone desiring a name to be searched should send it with a selfaddressed , stamped envelope to Loren Fay at 87 Edgwood Ave. , Albany, NY 12203, with a small donation. Herbert C. Standing has been approached by a genealogical publishing company with regard to die publication of records pertaining to Delaware Friends before 1800, material for which he has been collecting for several years. Since such a project will require much computer terminal work, he would like to share information and questions about mis type ofgenealogical work. He may be reached at...
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