The pursuit of sustainable energy sources on a worldwide scale is a crucial and pressing matter, with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) offering a comprehensive framework for properly addressing this challenge. This two-part paper provides an overview of the various technologies now available for the process of biomass gasification. Compared to other renewable energy sources, which have undergone significant technological advancements in recent years, the field of biomass conversion is still relatively new. Keeping up with the newest breakthroughs becomes increasingly crucial as new conversion techniques are rapidly being created. In the thermochemical conversion process called ‘biomass gasification’, biomass solid source materials are degraded or incompletely burned in an oxygen-free or oxygen-deficient high-temperature atmosphere, resulting in the production of biomass gas. Part I delves into different biomass gasification techniques, including upstream, gasification and downstream processes, highlighting their importance in transforming biomass into clean and combustible gases.
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