Electric field control of two-dimensional (2D) materials with optimized magnetic properties is not only of scientific interest but also of technological importance in terms of the functionality of various nanoscale devices. Here, we report the multiferroic control of the 2D ferromagnetism in 1T-CrTe2 monolayer through a ferroelectric In2Se3 sublayer. Our results reveal the effect of polarization switching on the electronic structures and magnetic properties of 1T-CrTe2/In2Se3 heterostructures, enabling effective manipulation of their magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and magnetization orientation. Additionally, we also demonstrate the strong dependence of their MAE and switching effect on the external strain and surface hydrogenation. Notably, polarization switching exhibits a reversal modification in the hydrogenated multiferroic structures. These tunable behaviors are primarily attributed to the alteration of p-orbitals near the Fermi level of the interfacial Te atoms due to magnetoelectric coupling. Our findings suggest the potential of 1T-CrTe2/In2Se3 heterojunctions for the practical application of 2D multiferroic spintronic devices.