The continuous flow measurement on hydroelectric turbine units is conventionally carried out using the relative methods (mostly Winter-Kennedy), where the complex velocity field in flow cross section is replaced by a single measured quantity. On a physical model, mapping parameters are determined. The Winter-Kennedy method is most used, where this relative (index) flow quantity is obtained by measuring differential pressure. The measurement uncertainty of the determined flow using this method is usually significantly higher than the uncertainty of other relevant quantities for determining the optimal turbine operating conditions. To reduce the flow uncertainty, it is necessary to perform "absolute measurements" of the entire velocity field and determine the necessary corrections to the index method under real operating conditions. This is especially true for plants where disposition is different from one used on physical model, which is the case of “Đerdap 2” and recognized problem of skewed inflow. With the aim of better assessing the hydraulic efficiency of turbines and to collect data on the actual operating velocity distribution in the inlet section in front of trash-rack needed for planned revitalization works, an innovative system for absolute flow measurement has been designed and implemented. The moving frame was designed and installed at the turbine inlet, upstream from the trash-rack. The 15 electromagnetic (EM) sensors and two redundant acoustic Doppler sensors were installed on horizontal bar. Each sensor measures all three velocity components. The frame moves by lifting along the entire height of the flow section, allowing the entire velocity field to be scanned. The position of the frame is tracked by two encoders, while two pressure sensors are used to measure the water depth. Measurements are synchronized with the local SCADA system, so appropriate turbine operation data are also used. Considering the specificities of the measurement system itself with newly developed EM sensors, as well as hydraulic conditions, an adequate procedure has been developed to assess the uncertainty of the measured flow. This paper presents the measurement method and provides some measurement results on the units of the “Đerdap 2” hydroelectric power plant.