In the germinating rape embryo the columella and basal part of hypocotyl undergo earliest activation. Its first ultrastructural symptom is the appearance of numerous ER vesicles after 3-6 h of seed swelling. Their number is the highest in the external layers of the columella and decreases in basipetal direction. Dermatogen cells in the basal zone of the hypocotyl contain the greatest amount of ER structures, whereas decreasing amounts are found in both directions along the embryo axis and centripetally. Further changes in the ER spread in a similar order. The vesicles merge and form a tubular and plate-like ER. Then, they disappear and are replaced by tubular and vesicular forms. The changes in the ER are gradually followed by ultrastructural symptoms of activation of mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes. The highest number of ER structures and other organelles accumulate in root cells shortly before piercing of the seed coat. After germination their amount decreases and remains almost stable.
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