The IAA biosynthetic pathway of tryptophan to IAA via IAM was detected inBradyrhizobium spp. (slow-growing Rhizobium) but not in Rhizobium spp. (fast-growingRhizobium). A simple method using rapid HPLC analysis to measure the conversion from NAMto NAA was developed to detect indole-3-acetamide hydrolase activity in cultures of bacteria.Most of the Bradyrhizobium strains produce large amounts of NAA converted from NAM underour assay conditions. In addition, GC/MS analysis of purified extracts from cultures ofB.japonicum wild-type strain J1063, grown in a tryptophan-supplemented liquid medium, dem-onstrated the presence of IAM and IAA. The results strongly suggest that biosynthesis of IAA inBradyrhizobium spp. involves the same pathway as that operating in Pseudomonas savastanoiand Agrobacterium tumefaciens.Key words: Bradyrhizobium — IAA Biosynthesis — Indole-3-acetamide hydrolase.Microbial production of plant homones seems to beessential for the virulence of bacteria in their host plants(Morris 1986). For example, two well-studied phytopatho-genic bacteria, Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi andAgrobacterium tumefaciens, possess a set of plant hor-mone biosynthetic genes. Gall formation on olive andoleander caused by the former bacterium, P. savastanoi,has been shown to be dependent on the bacterial synthesisof the plant hormone IAA (Comai and Kosuge 1980,1982). P. savastanoi produces IAA by means of tryp-tophan 2-monooxygenase and indole-3-acetamide hydro-lase according to the following pathway —• : tryptophanIAM -*• IAA (Fig. 1). Mutants deficient in genes of thispathway exhibit attenuated virulence. The latter bacte-rium, A. tumefaciens, causes crown gall disease in a widerange of plants (Nester et al. 1984). The formation ofcrown gall is associated with the presence of a portion ofthe Ti-plasmid, the T-DNA, which becomes an integratedAbbreviations: IAM, indole-3-acetamide; NAM, a-naph-thaleneacetamide; NAA, a-naphthaleneacetic acid; IPyA, indole-3-pyruvic acid; IEt, indole-3-ethanol; HPLC, high performanceliquid chromatography, GC/MS; gas chromatography/mass spec-trometry; ODS, octadesyl silanized silica gel; THF, tetrahydro-furan; t
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