AbstractAn empirical study was conducted examining associations between seasonal trade wind and sea surface temperature (SST) fields in the eastern half of the tropical Pacific Ocean for the period 1949‐1979. In addition, the tropical fields were statistically related to the extratropical circulation of the Northern Hemisphere (i.e. 700 mb heights). This study differs from most prior studies in that the trade wind field was examined primarily in terms of the horizontal trade wind divergence and seasonally stratified lag relationships were computed.Seasonally stratified autocorrelations of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) amplitudes (out to four seasons) indicated significant persistence of EOF1 of SST and divergence until spring‐summer for any initial season; accordingly, spring and summer (summer and autumn) EOF1 for SST (divergence) exhibited the greatest persistence. For divergence some tendency for a reversal of sign was seen from the autumn, winter, or spring seasons to the following autumn, which may imply negative air‐sea feedback mechanisms operating.Seasonally stratified cross correlations betwen the first EOF for SST and divergence indicated a significant contemporaneous relationship. When divergence leads SST, the relationship is significant at short lags (1‐3 seasons) until spring as a target season is reached. The same is true when SST leads divergence except that a significant relationship returns with opposite sign in the subsequent summer and auiumn. Winter SST and divergence, in particular, are well correlated with prior values of the other parameter.When the tropical parameters were related to the extratropical circulation through correlation with gridded 700 mb heights, significant patterns were found only when winter 700 mb heights were the target parameter (i.e. tropical parameter leading winter 700 mb heights). Summer through winter tropical SST and divergence (EOF1) displays a good association with subsequent winter extratropical circulation in the form of an expanded/contracted circumpolar vortex. The relationship between trade wind divergence and subsequent winter circulation is significant using the prior winter (4 season lag), vanishes during spring, and returns with the opposite sign for summer through winter (lags 0‐2). Using either SST or divergence, the observed relationships are stronger at lags 1 and 2 than at lag 0.
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