Abstract: The development of Internet technology and computer networks leads to the convergence of traditional systems voice, video and data into a unique IP-based TriplePlay system. Differences in implementing TriplePlay service basically come down to the choice of technology of data transmission from the last aggregation point (node) to a subscriber (Last Mile). Analyzing Internet market, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) made trend in increasing demand for bandwidth during the period from 2007 to 2017. The analysis is based on SmartHome concept which includes broadband internet as well as multimedia services such as IPTV, cell phones and so on. The results of the analysis to a great extent confirm increasing trend of the consumers’ demand for bandwidth defined by Jakob Nielsen. His theory is based on the previous period and predicts that the need for bandwidth will rise by 50% every year. Nielsen’s diagram resembles that of Moore which predicts that CPU power will double every 18 months, that is 67% a year. The constant alterations in market and technology causes dilemma to operators in terms of investment. It is quite difficult to answer the question about the choice of technology of connecting the subscribers from the aspect of both technological and economic justification. Finding the answer to this question is the main goal of this paper.
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