The extreme temperature and precipitation index trend analysis for Addis Ababa city is presented in this study. The Bole and Tikur Anbesa observatories, two stations in the capital city of Addis Ababa, provide the temperature and rainfall variation used in this analysis. The RClim-Dex software has been used to find climate extreme indices for Addis Ababa city stations based on climate data for the period 1954 to 2019. The annual total precipitation trend (PRCPTOT) at the 5% significant level exhibits a positive slope at the Addis Ababa observatory and a negative slope at the Addis Ababa Bole station. SDII trends indicate an increase at the 5% significant threshold for both stations. At the 5% significance level, the trends for both stations’ maximum and lowest temperatures show a positive slope. Conversely, both stations exhibit a negative slope in the diurnal temperature ranges. The RClim-Dex results indicate that, while rainfall intensity is decreasing, there is a tendency for annual rainfall indices to increase at the Addis Ababa observatory station, but to decrease at the Bole station. Additionally, there is an upward slope for consecutive wet days for all stations. Nevertheless, steady warming patterns are evident for both the maximum and minimum temperature indices. In contrast, declining trends are shown in the diurnal temperature ranges.
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