Summer precipitation over the Mongolian Plateau (MP) has experienced a consistent decline in recent decades. While the influence of atmospheric wave train on this reduction in precipitation has been recognized in prior studies, this study delves deeper into the physical mechanisms and quantifies the contributions of the internal atmosphere and oceanic variations to the diminishing precipitation utilizing a comprehensive 100-member ensemble simulations from the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). Results show that the ensemble-mean precipitation in MP exhibits a positive trend and cannot explain the observed results. The precipitation trends vary significantly among individual ensemble members, highlighting the pivotal role of internal variability. The leading EOF mode of precipitation trends among ensemble members exhibits uniform variations. Further investigations reveal that the internal summer precipitation in MP is affected by the internal atmospheric circulation, the remote influence of the North Atlantic Dipole sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation-like SST patterns. An eastward-propagating Rossby wave originating from the North Atlantic dipole SST anomalies provides the anomalous large-scale circulation that influences summer precipitation. The PDO contributes to reinforcing the anticyclonic anomaly over the MP. Additionally, the uncertainty of precipitation trends in MPI-ESM can be reduced by 13% through removing the internal atmospheric wave train-related precipitation variation, while oceanic factors only contribute about 7% uncertainty of precipitation variations. Our insights enhance the understanding of the physical drivers behind summer precipitation variability in the MP and effectively quantify the uncertainties stemming from internal variability.
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