As a classical insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) structure, the trench-gate field-stop (FS) IGBT has been widely used. For more convenient application, physics-based trench-gate FS IGBT models have received great attentions due to its effectiveness in simulating key device properties. However, current IGBT modeling studies for this popular IGBT chip seldom investigate the depletion layer behavior under the trench-gate structure. This article first derives the physics-based miller capacitance formula for the trench-gate structure according to finite element method (FEM) simulation. Another haunting issue for these physics-based IGBT models is that the intrinsic device parameters are difficult to be extracted appropriately. Thus, an FEM FS IGBT model is established in Sentaurus TCAD as the benchmark. Then, an improved parameter extraction procedure for a Fourier-series-based (FSB) IGBT model is proposed based on the improved miller capacitance formula. By the particle swarm optimization algorithm, key device parameters for the FSB IGBT model can be successfully extracted by fitting the simulated waveforms to those by FEM simulation at a randomly selected turn-off operating condition. Parameters extracted through the proposed procedure using the FSB IGBT model with the improved miller capacitance formula are very close to the device parameters of the FEM model. More importantly, the reliability and the robustness of the extracted parameters are further validated by comparing the waveforms of FSB model with those of FEM model at different operating conditions.
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