Instable operation of a drilling string can be caused by design flaws, unreasonably selected drilling modes, as well as specific features of the drilling by bit, fixed on a long flexible rod with initial irregularities. It was established that a drilling string under the influence of constant torque and longitudinal feed load is deformed along a screw line. It was shown that the source of the dynamic state initiation of a rotating drilling string is an alternative friction between rock and the instrument, as well as variation of potential energy of the drilling string at its twisting and untwisting. At the string twisting the potential anergy is accumulating, at the untwisting it is released. In this case the drilling sting length begins to increase and the work of feed force is imposed to this shifting resulting in the instrument beat over the rock. The torsion oscillating process causes longitudinal periodic shifting of the string end, which lead to joint longitudinal and bending oscillations of the whole drilling column. Systems of differential equations obtained describing the joint bending-longitudinal oscillations of a drilling string, caused by torsion vibrations, initiating at the contact of a drilling instrument with rock. Approximate solutions of the systems presented, which take place with the basic natural frequency of the torsion oscillations of a two-mass system instrument - string - rotator drive. In this case the amplitudes of the drilling string bending oscillations are associated with characteristics variation of the friction between the instrument and the rock as well as with the angular frequency of the drilling string rotation. Zones of dynamic instability at rotation of the deformed drilling string due to acting force factors, as well as initial irregularities and centrifugal forces revealed. It was shown that they are initiated at critical speeds of the drilling string rotation, which coincides with any natural frequency of the bending oscillations of the stave. To intensify the drilling process, recommendation elaborated for equipping the rotary drilling rig with an additional pneumatic hammer. A calculated diagram of a drilling string, equipped by an additional pneumatic hammer considered. Parameters of the hammer in terms of frequency and amplitude are matched with the translational speed of well drilling. The total longitudinal and transverse shifts can be obtained by superposition of self-exciting and induces shifts.
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