The article consists of two main parts: theoretical and empirical. The first presents the opinions of authors representing International Political Economy who question the assumption that the transformation of the energy sector can be based only on the market mechanism. They justify that the most favourable conditions for carrying out structural changes going in the direction of gradual reduction of fossil fuels and increasing the share of alternative sources in energy production exist in democratic countries where the state performs social-economic functions and engages in the promotion of clean technologies in the energy sector. The empirical analysis assesses the advancement of structural changes in energy production globally and in the group of the 15 largest producers by the share of raw materials used in 2000-2019. The study also includes changes in the subject and object structure of exports and imports of energy raw materials. The analysis shows that diversification of energy sources was progressing, but mainly concerned the share of coal, oil and gas in its production. A negative phenomenon was the increase in the share of coal in energy production in the global economy from 22.8 to 27.1%. Contributing to this were: China, Australia, Indonesia, India and Russia. In the EU, the results of the transformation of the energy sector, compared to other countries, were exceptionally good. The share of renewable raw materials in energy production increased from 11.0 to 33.4%. Referring to the impact of the energy sector transformation and changes in energy markets on the global balance of economic power, the authors concluded that fossil raw material resources, which are concentrated in a small group of countries, give them great opportunities to directly influence the formation of their world prices, the situation in other markets and the overall situation in the global economy through the transmission of inflation, exchange rate fluctuations and imbalances in the balance of payments. In 2000-2019, Russia strengthened its dominance in global energy commodity markets by increasing its share in world exports from 10 to 12.7%, against 9.1% of the USA, 8.8% of the EU-28, 7.5% of Saudi Arabia and 6.05% of Australia. Russia's important assets as an energy power are its well-developed oil and gas transport infrastructure covering Europe and Asia, the strong monopolistic position of Gazprom and other companies on the fossil fuel markets and the EU's high dependence on imports of energy resources from Russia. The new geopolitical situation has a major impact on changing the priorities of the energy policy of the EU and the US, as well as of the countries dependent on raw material imports from Russia. The process of transformation of the energy sector may be dynamised, which will weaken Russia's position.
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