High-resolution CO maps are an essential tool to search for observational evidence of AGN fueling in galaxy nuclei. While their capabilities will be surpassed by ALMA, current mm-interferometers can already provide relevant information on scales which are critical for the process of angular momentum transfer in fueling the AGN. In this context we present the latest results issued from the NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) project, a high-resolution (0.5′′–1′′) CO survey of low luminosity AGNs conducted with the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer (PdBI). The use of more specific molecular tracers of dense gas can probe the feedback influence of activity on the chemistry and energy balance in the interstellar medium of nearby galaxies, a prerequisite to understanding how feedback operate at higher redshift galaxies. We discuss the results obtained in an ongoing study devoted to probe the feedback of activity from nearby Seyferts to high-redshift QSO.