The biostimulating action of seed treatment with the synthetic antioxidant, Ambiol (2‐methyl‐4‐Edimethylaminomethyl‐5‐hydroxybenzimidazole dihydrochloride) on subsequent growth and transpiration of seedlings was studied. To study growth and transpiration responses, seeds of four agricultural species, soybean (Glycine max L.), rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), winter wheat (Trilicum aestivum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.), were soaked in Ambiol for 24 h, using the following concentrations: 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg 11. The subsequent seedlings were subject to simulated soil drought, using computer‐automated root misting chambers. The influence of Ambiot on transpiration rate under simulated air drought was studied by growing plants under low humidity in a controlled humidity chamber. Response to Ambiol varied, depending on its concentration, the species used and the environment. Compared to untreated plants, 10 mg 1‐−1 Ambiol reduced the mid‐day transpiration rate and total daily water usage of soybean by approximately 25%. Under simulated soil drought in the root misting chamber, 10 and 100 mg 1‐−1 Ambiol increased growth of rapeseed and soybean by 25–45%, relative to the 0 mg 1‐−1 treatment, yielding plants comparable in size to the fully‐irrigated controls. However, Ambiol failed to promote growth of two drought‐stressed monocotyledons (corn and winter wheat). At 100 mg P. Ambiol inhibited growth of both well‐watered wheat and rapeseed, although this inhibition was mitigated by drought.
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