The n-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (n-MOSFET) produced in the widely used CMOS bulk process takes radiation damage by the total ionizing dose (TID) effects in radiation environments, so the radiation-tolerant properties of semiconductor integrated-circuits (ICs) used in high-radiation environments is a critical issue. The formation method of the isolation oxide module (IOM), which induces the radiation-induced leakage currents, differs depending on the chip density of the CMOS bulk process. In this paper, we designed and fabricated I-gate n-MOSFETs for bulk process and analyzed the radiation-tolerant characteristics according to IOM. The I-gate n-MOSFET chips are fabricated using the shallow trench isolation (STI) 0.18um and local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) 0.35um processes of the CMOS bulk process. Tests and evaluation of the TID effects on the chips are carried out by irradiating a total cumulative dose up to 2 Mrad(Si). As the results, in the standard n-MOSFET, the leakage currents of the LOCOS and STI processes are 27.7uA and 16.4uA, and in I-gate n-MOSEFT, are 1.1uA and 0.7uA. The leakage currents of standard n-MOSFET increased by about 25 times before and after irradiation, but the electric characteristics of I-gate n-MOSFET is maintained regardless of the process. Therefore, the process versatility of the I-gate n-MOSFET with the radiation-tolerant performance has been verified.