A possibility to implement a new type of dynamo experiment, namely, a nonstation- ary dynamo in a braked toroidal channel is considered. We suggest that a helical flow with the magnetic Reynolds number sucient for screw dynamo action can develop in a toroidal channel with liquid sodium (about 100 kg) accelerated up to the frequency of 50 RPS and braked abruptly. The growth of the resulting magnetic eld is expected to be sucient to isolate dynamo eect. In this paper we present the results of hydrodynamic experiments with water prototypes. The spatial and temporal proles of the helical flow excited in a braked channel by a diverter are investigated. Numerical simulation of the magnetic eld evolution is performed for a helical flow with a prole extracted from the experimental data and scaled to the parameters of MHD apparatus. The data from the hydrodynamic experiment and the results of MHD numerical simulations are used to optimize the MHD apparatus under development. Introduction. At the very end of the XX century the long-standing experi- mental eorts to implement the self-excitation of magnetic elds by MHD dynamo was crowned with success. The MHD dynamo experiments performed in Riga (1) and Karlsruhe (2) are a real breakthrough in the development of experimental verication of the dynamo theory predictions. This verication seems to be of crucial importance for geophysics and astrophysics because dynamo is thought to be responsible for generation and maintenance of magnetic elds in cosmic bod- ies, e.g., the Sun and the Earth (3, 4). Furthermore, the dynamo experiments allow one to construct geophysical and astrophysical dynamo models not only on the principles basis, but also on the experimental results. The available dynamo experiments reproduce only a part of the aspects encountered in astro- physical dynamos. Therefore, many additional experiments are needed to gain a more penetrating insight into the MHD dynamo phenomenon (5). The realization of MHD dynamo is an extremely complicated and expensive experiment, since this phenomenon is a threshold process requiring high mag- netic Reynolds numbers. The lowest theoretical estimate (6) of the critical value, Rm =1 7 :7, was obtained for the so-called Ponomarenko dynamo (see below), representing a screw motion of a rigidly rotating cylinder in an innite conduc- tive medium. However, even such a relatively low magnetic Reynolds number can be obtained by moving tons of liquid sodium and hundred kilowatts to drive the pumps. The rst attempt to perform the MHD dynamo experiment by pumping liquid sodium through tubes of specic shape was made in Riga in 1987 (7). In this experiment, a decrease in magnetic eld decrement with increasing velocity was observed, but the generation threshold has not been reached yet. The second generation of dynamo experiments based on the same physical idea of pumping liquid sodium is currently undertaken by several scientic teams, and the rst results have been recently obtained. In the Riga experiments the beginning of
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