We study several different types of BPS flows within minimal mathcal{N}=1 , D = 7 supergravity with SU(2) gauge group and non-vanishing topological mass. After reviewing some known domain wall solutions involving only the metric and the ℝ+ scalar field, we move to considering more general flows involving a “dyonic” profile for the 3-form gauge potential. In this context, we consider flows featuring a Mkw3 as well as an AdS3 slicing, write down the corresponding flow equations, and integrate them analytically to obtain many examples of asymptotically AdS7 solutions in presence of a running 3-form. Furthermore, we move to adding the possibility of non-vanishing vector fields, find the new corresponding flows and integrate them numerically. Finally, we discuss the eleven-dimensional interpretation of the aforementioned solutions as effective descriptions of M2 − M5 bound states.
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