We re-examine the calculation of the dissipation energy in thenon-contact atomic force microscope for a model flat surface within thestochastic friction force (the `Brownian motion') mechanism.All important aspects of the problem are taken into account. In particular,we have considered for the first time: (i) the effect of the tip onthe surface atom vibrations including the possibility of inducinglocal vibrational modes and (ii) the second term in the expansionof the fluctuating tip-surface force in atomic displacements. We foundthat generally, if the tip does not come very close to the surface,the first effect noticeably reduces the dissipation energy, whilethe second-order correction is very small, at least for the modelplanar surface considered. However, if during its oscillations thetip comes closer than a certain critical distance to the surface,a local vibrational mode is induced which may considerably increasethe dissipation energy depending on its lifetime, i.e. the degreeof anharmonicity in the system coupling the local mode (LM) with the restof the phonons. For certain systems which provide long-livingLMs, this effect may serve as a microscopic mechanism of energydissipation. We also demonstrate that the dissipation power increaseswith the tip oscillation amplitude.
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