Porichthys notatus is a common benthic fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. It possesses more than 700 small dermal photophores on its head and trunk. When P. notatus collected in Monterey Bay, California, is injected subcutaneously with norepinephrine, the photophores emit a long-lasting luminescence that is readily visible to the dark-adapted eye. The light emission is due to the oxidation of luciferin (substrate) by molecular oxygen, catalyzed by luciferase. In contrast, P. notatus collected in Puget Sound, Washington, is nonluminous, even though the photophores do not differ ultrastructurally from those of the California fish. The inability of the Puget Sound fish to luminesce is due to lack of luciferin in its photophores. Luminescence capability, however, may be induced in the Puget Sound fish by the oral or intraperitoneal administration of a small amount of luciferin from the tiny luminescent marine ostracod crustacean, Vargula hilgendorfii, suggesting that the origin of luciferin in P. notatus may be from the diet. In this study, specimens of P. notatus were collected over the entire known range of the species, between November 1981 and September 1987, and the presence of luciferin in the photophores determined. The results indicate that there are two populations of P. notatus: a luciferin-deficient, nonluminescent population located north of northern California and a luciferin-containing, luminescent population extending south of Cape Mendocino, California, to Baja California, Mexico. At the northern end of the southern population, a mixture of luminescent and nonluminescent P. notatus was found.
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