Aim: Satellite images are significantly more accessible to collect and include a huge amount of informative data in selected geographical areas. However, because of their vast dimensions and acquisition procedures, information extraction or segmentation is an extremely complicated procedure. So, this paper proposes a satellite image segmentation technique to extract required information that can be applied to real-time applications. Background: Satellite images are vast sources of information that help to perceive the earth’s surface and relevant changes in it. In satellite imaging, image segmentation is crucial as it leads to better classification and understanding of the data present in the considered images. Objective: This paper presents an enhanced segmentation technique based on color-based fuzzy cmean clustering (FCM) presents an improved segmentation technique based on color-based fuzzy c-mean clustering. Method: One of the popular types of soft clustering techniques that is utilized for image segmentation is fuzzy c-mean clustering. It is chosen for its robust features in data categorization. This study suggests an FCM method for segmenting colored satellite images based on clusters created using the colors red, green, and blue. Result: The performance of the proposed system is done with seven test images by comparing the segmented output of each image obtained by the popular threshold technique and the proposed methodology. Four performance metrics are employed in quantitative analysis to assess the effectiveness of the proposed method: entropy, standard deviation (SD), PIQE (Perception Image Quality Evaluator), and NIQE (Naturalness Image Quality Evaluator). A higher value of Entropy denotes better quality of images and a lower value of NIQE shows more intricate image details. In both the parameters, the images obtained by the proposed techniques showed better quality as per an increase in their entropy value and a decrease in NIQE value. Conclusion: The traditional threshold-based methods are applied to assess the performance of the proposed methodology utilizing four image-measuring parameters: entropy, NIQE, PIQE, and standard deviation. Overall, better results are obtained in all test cases using the proposed FCMbased clustering technique.Applying qualitative as well as quantitative analysis, the proposed method has compared the performance of the threshold technique with the proposed approach using seven satellite images. Experimental images taken from the public domain.
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