This paper indicates the market for a van-type electric vehicle, provides the physical description, and presents the electrical principle of operation of a frequency modulated and pulsewidth modulated power system applied to a 27-kW three-phase squirrelcage age induction motor. This ac drive system, which represents the third generation in design, has been placed in a Dodge B-300 high production van of 2700 kg gross vehicle weight. The electrical energy is stored in 24 6-V 220-Ah batteries providing 144 V. Design speeds of the electronics for the vehicle are up to 90 km/h. Computer developed power factor and efficiency curves are given for the motor for the entire range of operating speeds. Electrical charge in the batteries may be replaced either by quick interchange of batteries a or through utilization of a 12-kg on-board charger with an electrical demand of 6 kW from a 220-V single-phase main. Finally, the paper discusses the economics of the ac drive LinearVan.
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