The Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America will be held at the Netherland-Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 8 through Dec. 12, 1952. As your President and in behalf of your officers and the members of the many committees who are working diligently to make this meeting a success, I cordially invite you to the 1952 meeting and urge you to attend. The General Program of the Radiological Society will be presented in the Netherland-Plaza Hotel. Each day, Monday through Friday, beginning at 8:30 A.M. and closing at 10: 00 A.M., Refresher Courses will be held. These will be followed by Scientific Sessions starting at 10: 30 each morning and closing at 12: 30 P.M. The afternoon Sessions will begin at 2: 00 P.M. and close at 4: 30 P.M. except on Friday, when there will be a single Scientific Session closing at 1: 00 P.M. Executive Business Sessions will be held Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4:30 P.M. A feature of this year's meeting will be an historical lecture on the life of Walter Bradford Cannon by George W. Holmes, M.D., Emeritus Professor of Radiology of the Harvard University Medical School, Past Director of the Department of Radiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital, and now head of the Department of Radiology of the Waldo County Memorial Hospital, Belfast, Maine. Dr. Holmes is well known to most of us and is one of the greatest of American radiologists. Radiation physicists, biologists, and other allied scientists have contributed greatly to the development of the science of Radiology, and many are and long have been valued members of our Society. Our program this year will differ from previous ones in that a separate Section Meeting for the Allied Scientists will be held at the Sheraton-Gibson Hotel each morning, beginning Tuesday and extending through Friday. This division of our Program will include Refresher Courses, three in number, each morning, starting at 8: 30 and continuing until 10: 00 A.M. A General Session consisting of papers and discussions will follow, beginning at 10: 30 A.M. and closing at 1: 00 P.M. Although the work of this Section is directed primarily toward the Allied Scientists, many of the Refresher Courses and presentations unquestionably will be of great interest to a significant number of physicians specializing in Radiology. The Refresher Courses have been planned under the able leadership of Edith H. Quimby, Sc.D., of Columbia University, New York, and a Scientific Program of wide interest and highest quality has been arranged by Lauriston S. Taylor, Ph. D., of the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C. A Local Committee, with Mrs. Harold Reineke of Cincinnati as Chairman, has planned an interesting program for the visiting ladies. The Annual Banquet will be held Thursday evening. Appropriate entertainment will be a feature, and the occasion will be such that all will wish to attend.
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