SUMMARY The unconditional stable finite-difference time-domain(US-FDTD) method based on Laguerre polynomial expansion andGalerkintemporaltestingisusedtomodelthin-filmbulkacousticwaveres-onators (TFBAR). Numerical results show the efficiency of the US-FDTDalgorithm. key words: US-FDTD,thin-film bulk acoustic wave resonators (TFBAR) 1. IntroductionBulkacousticwaveresonatorshavereceivedlotsofresearchinterest due to their potentials in achieving compact deviceswith low insertion loss and high Q for wireless communica-tion systems [1]. Numerical methods have been used in themodeling and simulation of BAW devices [2]–[4], amongwhich the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method [4]is to be preferred because of its simplicity and easy imple-mentation. However, using the conventional FDTD methodtomodelthin-filmBAWdevicesisinefficientbecauseaverysmall spatial grid size is necessary to resolve the thin struc-ture which leads to a very small time step by the Courant-Friedrich-Levy (CFL) condition. In the end, a large numberof time steps are needed. The alternating-direction-implicit(ADI) FDTD method [5],[6], developed to remove the CFLconstraints on the time step, yields an unconditionally sta-ble (US) algorithm. Though the ADI-FDTD method hasbeen successfully used in the modeling of thin-film BAWresonators [7], it suffers from large dispersion error whenlargetimestepisused. Recently,anotherUS-FDTDschemebased on the Laguerre polynomial expansion and Galerkintemporaltestingwasproposedtoovercomethisproblem[8].As compared to the ADI-FDTD method, the time step isused only to calculate the Laguerre coefficients due to theexcitationatthestartofthecomputations. Thereforeasmalltime step value can be used to increase the accuracy with-out increasing computing time. In this letter, the US-FDTDmethod is employed to model the thin-film bulk acousticwave resonator (TFBAR). Numerical results are presentedto validate the algorithm.2. US-FDTD for TFBAR modelingThe governing equations of the TFBAR are given by [4],