After an extended outage in a power system, restoration of feeders with high penetration levels of thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs) will be a challenging problem. By restoring these feeders, the demand will increase several times the normal conditions which is called the cold load pick-up (CLPU) phenomenon. This can lead to overload of equipment such as power transformers in transmission substations. In order to increase the reliability of network load supply, in transmission substations, usually several transformers are used which can be operated in parallel by closing circuit breakers on the secondary side called bus section (BS). When the restoration process is long and the loads are cold, more loads can be restored by closing the BSs and paralleling the transformers. On the other hand, it is not possible to close all the BSs simultaneously because paralleling all the transformers at the same time increases the short circuit level on the secondary side. Furthermore, in power systems, some loads are voltage-dependent and by reducing the voltage, their demand can be decreased and therefore the restoration process is expedited. Due to the increase in demand caused by CLPU, additional stress is applied to the power system, which can lead to operational constraints violation and even long-term voltage instability. Therefore, at the time of restoration of each feeder, the settings of voltage control devices are updated to avoid the violation of operational constraints and the occurrence of wider events. In this paper, in order to reduce cold load restoration time, closing the bus sections and voltage reduction are used simultaneously. Also, short circuit and operational constraints are considered. The cold load restoration problem is formulated as a mixed integer nonlinear programming and is solved using the pattern search algorithm. Since there are many decision variables and solving the problem is time-consuming, a combination of deep learning networks, pattern search algorithm and parallel computing is used to accelerate the computations.