The full-core neutronics/thermal-hydraulics (NE/TH) coupling analysis for a small lead-based fast reactor (SLFR) was presented. The NE-to-TH coupling occurs via power distribution, whereas the TH-to-NE coupling occurs via the material cross section, which is related to the temperature distribution. In the NE module, a discrete ordinate (SN) nodal solver is implemented based on the hexagonal prism mesh. In the TH module, a parallel channel model is implemented with each hexagonal fuel assembly as a channel. The mass flow of each channel is searched according to the same pressure drop, the temperature and density of the coolant within each channel is calculated with a one-dimensional axial heat convection model, and the temperature distribution along the fuel pin is calculated with a one-dimensional radial heat conduction model. In order to update the cross section, a temperature-dependent homogenized microscopic cross-section library is prepared in advance, and based on the temperature distribution obtained from the TH calculation, the cross-section data required by the NE calculation are obtained by interpolation. The results of the NE/TH coupling analysis for SLFR indicate that the TH parameters (the maximum temperature of the fuel, cladding, and coolant and the maximum velocity of the coolant) are all within the design limits, and the TH feedback provides negative reactivity feedback (about −200 pcm) and has a fairly small effect on the power distribution (<1.0%).
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