The Standard Model is the paradigm of particle physics which gives an accurate theory for fundamental particle interactions. However, the extension of Standard Model with higher-order derivatives is not a well-studied subject. This paper is a follow-up work of the previous study of the generalized Abelian gauge field theory and Yang–Mills theory under rotor mechanism of order n of higher order derivatives, and we apply it to the Standard Model of particle physics. Rotor mechanism on scalar field and Dirac field is also studied. We will study the quantization of the rotored Standard Model using path integral approach. We also inherit the previous result from the path integral quantization of generalized Abelian gauge field and apply it to our non-Abelian case. Then we carry out the generalized BRST quantization and prove the existence of the Slavnov–Taylor Identities of the rotor model. Finally, we discuss the possibility of rotor model on taming the infinities arise from the self-energy correction of the Higgs boson in high spacetime dimension, thus this provides a partial solution and new insights to the Hierarchy problem.
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