<p><em>Religious education is one of education that fosters human development, especially helping in ethical and moral development. Thus, religious education in Indonesia gets a considerable portion of the education system. Through religious education can increase moral ethics in order to maintain harmony of the nation, mutual respect respects between followers of different religions. Hindu religious education conducted formally in schools has not provided the expected results. Theoretically the children know by heart and understand the teachings of religion but the implementation of the teaching is done in everyday life seems to need to be balanced with religious practices. These religious practices can be taught to children through non-formal education in the form of pasraman, because formal education is bound by the curriculum and time targets. Thus, non-formal education needs to be developed, in the hope that children are not only intellectually savvy but also spiritual savvy and grow up to be virtuous people. Form of non-formal religious education can be done through pasraman system. Implementation of pasraman activities in Desa Adat Tangeb have differences with pasraman in general. Pasraman Lingga Yoni Desa Adat Tangeb includes children who are genuine Catholics from Indigenous Desa Adat Tangeb.</em></p><p><em>The theory used to analyze the problem formulation is the multicultural theory used to dissect the formulation of the first problem, the behavioristic theory used to dissect the formulation of the second and third problems. The research method used is the type of qualitative research with primary data sources bendesa adat and teachers pasraman and secondary data source is the source of other supporting data. Data were collected using participant observation method, unstructured interview, documentation and literature. The collected data was analyzed using data analysis method with three steps: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation and (3) inference / verification.</em></p><p><em>The results of this research are: First: multicultural learning pattern in pasraman Lingga Yoni is (1) contextual teaching and learning (CTL), (2) coopertative (cooperative learning), (3) instilling understanding that leads to multicultural education in self Children, through several approaches are: Instilling pluralism education, instilling and implementing the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika, instilling the concept of manners / ethics, applying the concept of Tri Hita Karana, and applying the concept of menyama braya. Second: the constraints on parsaman Lingga Yoni are (1) lack of understanding of Catholic children about pasraman (2) environmental influences, (3) the need for more guidance for Catholic children, (4) decreased interest of children following pasraman, (5) facilities and infrastructure are still minimal. Third: the efforts undertaken to facilitate pasraman learning activities are, (1) conduct socialization, (2) provide understanding to Catholic children, (3) guide wholeheartedly and apply multicultural learning pattern, (4) affirm student attendance, (5) submit proposal.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p>
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