This study aims to explore the application of Islamic management and leadership principles in the organization of the Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) in Padangsidimpuan City. Using a qualitative approach with a phenomenological design, this study aims to understand the experiences, views, and practices of PMII members and administrators in implementing Islamic values in managerial and leadership aspects. Data collection methods used include in-depth interviews, participatory observation, focus group discussions (FGD), and documentation studies. The subjects of the study were administrators, active members, and alumni of PMII who have direct experience in the organization. The results of the study indicate that Islamic management in PMII Padangsidimpuan City is strongly influenced by the values of amanah, justice, deliberation, and responsibility, which are applied in human resource management, task division, and decision-making. This study also found that the obstacles faced in implementing these principles include the lack of a uniform understanding of Islamic management and leadership among members and the challenge of maintaining the consistency of Islamic values in organizational dynamics. Nevertheless, the implementation of these principles has a positive impact on organizational performance and the development of member character, who are expected to be able to become leaders with integrity and commitment to Islamic values. This study contributes to the development of Islamic management and leadership theory, especially in the context of student organizations, and provides insight for similar organizations to implement Islamic principles more effectively in their activities and management.
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