When A ∈ B(H) and B ∈ B(K) are given, we denote by MC an operator acting on the Hilbert space H ⊕ K of the form \( M_{C} = {\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {A} & {C} \\ {0} & {B} \\ \end{array} } \right)} .\)In this paper, first we give the necessary and sufficient condition for MC to be an upper semi-Fredholm (lower semi–Fredholm, or Fredholm) operator for some C ∈ B(K,H). In addition, let \( \sigma _{{SF_{ + } }} \) (A) ={λ ∈ ℂ : A − λI is not an upper semi-Fredholm operator} be the upper semi–Fredholm spectrum of A ∈ B(H) and let \( \sigma _{{SF_{ - } }} \) (A) = {λ ∈ ℂ : A − λI is not a lower semi–Fredholm operator} be the lower semi–Fredholm spectrum of A. We show that the passage from \( \sigma _{{SF_{ ±} }} {\left( A \right)} \cap \sigma _{{SF_{ ±} }} {\left( B \right)}\;{\text{to}}\;\sigma_{{SF_{±} }} {\left( {M_{C} } \right)} \) is accomplished by removing certain open subsets of \( \sigma _{{SF_{ - } }} {\left( A \right)} \cap \sigma_{{SF_{ + } }} {\left( B \right)} \) from the former, that is, there is an equality $$ \sigma_{{SF_{± } }} {\left( A \right)} \cup \sigma _{{SF_{ ±} }} {\left( B \right)} = \sigma_{{SF_{±} }} {\left( {M_{C} } \right)} \cup {\fancyscript G},$$ where \({\fancyscript G}\)is the union of certain of the holes in \( \sigma_{{SF_{± } }} {\left( {M_{C} } \right)} \) which happen to be subsets of \( \sigma_{{SF_{ - } }} {\left( A \right)} \cap \sigma_{{SF_{ + } }} {\left( B \right)} .\)Weyl's theorem and Browder's theorem are liable to fail for 2 × 2 operator matrices. In this paper, we also explore how Weyl's theorem, Browder's theorem, a–Weyl's theorem and a–Browder's theorem survive for 2 × 2 upper triangular operator matrices on the Hilbert space.
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