Adler, M., S. Calvelo & J. A. Elix. 2006. The distinction between Menegazzia cincinnata and M. valdiviensis (Parmeliaceae). Mycotaxon 95: 217–228. [Separation of two taxa from southern South America best done using ascospore length and presence or absence of thamnolic acid in the medulla.] Amtoft, A. 2006. A new species of Dermatocarpon (Verrucariaceae) from the United States and the Bahamas. The Bryologist 109(2): 182–184. [New: Dermatocarpon tomentulosum sp. nov. (Bahamas, Texas, Missouri).] Archer, A. W. & J. A. Elix. 2005 [2006]. A new species of Pertusaria from Western Australia. Mycotaxon 94: 133–135. [New: Pertusaria subarida sp. nov., corticolous on Melaleuca and Acacia with small ascospores and producing of planaic acid and 4,5-dichlorolichexanthone as major secondary metabolites. This issue was not distributed until May, 2006.] Bartok, K., A. Guttova & L. Lokos. 2005. Contributions to the epiphytic lichen flora of Poiana Rusca Mts, Southern Carpathians (SW Romania). Contribut xii Botanice [Universitatea ‘‘Babes-Bolyai’’ Cluj-Napoca] 40: 105–110. [Report of 28 species, 20 new to the Poiana Rusca Mountains; Lecanora thysanophora new to Romania.] Bejerke, J. W. 2006. Menegazzia subsimilis (H. Magn.) R. Sant. new to the British Isles. British Lichen Society Bulletin 98: 46. [Report on several collections at the British Museum.] Bennett, J. P. 2006. Lichens in Wisconsin: the future is uncertain. Wisconsin Flora 2006(May): 4. [Short popular essay.] ———. 2006. Lichens of Wisconsin data entry project update. Wisconsin Flora 2006(May): 4–5. [Update on herbarium label data project, currently concentrating on the macrolichens (excluding Cladonia for now).] ———. 2006. New or overlooked Wisconsin lichen records. Evansia 23(2): 28–33. [Report of 58 species and 12 genera not listed in Thomson’s Lichens of Wisconsin.] Berryman, S. & B. McCune. 2006. Epiphytic lichens along gradients in topography and stand structure in western Oregon, USA. Pacific Northwest Fungi 1(2): 1–38. [‘‘We infer that remnant trees serve as refugia for lichens through a disturbance and provide lichen inoculum to younger trees. Hardwood patches were hotspots for lichen diversity, particularly cyanolichens that are infrequent on conifers. Hardwood patches were most prevalent along perennial streams. To maintain and enhance lichen communities at a landscape level, forest managers must consider the importance of features such as late-successional stands, remnant trees, hardwoods, and riparian areas to lichen communities. These features are especially important to retain in or near regenerating forests to promote colonization by dispersallimited lichens.’’ Only available online at] ——— & ———. 2006. Estimating epiphytic macrolichen biomass from topography, stand structure and lichen community data. Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 157–170. [Study conducted in the central Cascades of western Oregon. ‘‘Lichen biomass changed with elevation, cyanolichen biomass highest at low elevations (470–950 m) and forage lichen biomass highest at higher elevations (950-1470 m). Lichen biomass was lowest in even-aged young stands and highest in mature stands with remnant trees and in oldgrowth.’’] Carceres, M. & R. Lucking. 2006. Diversidade, biogeografia, ecologie e utilizacao de liquens foliicolas. Pages 519–535. In L. Xavier Filho, M. E. Legaz, C. V. Cordoba & E. C. Pereira (eds.), Biologia de Liquens. Âmbito Cultural Edicoes, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro. [Overview of diversity, biogeography and ecology of foliicolous lichens. In Portuguese.] Carlberg, T. (ed.). 2006. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society. Volume 13. No. 1. California Lichen Society, Fairfax, CA. 24 pages. [News and notes on activities of society members. Some articles are listed separately in this bibliography.] * The cumulative database for this series is available in searchable form on the World Wide Web at bot-mus/lav/sok_rll.htm. I owe special thanks to Bill Buck for providing copies of papers by other authors, which were otherwise unavailable to me, and to the cooperating authors who send reprints or electronic versions of their works to me for inclusion in this series.
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