Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor materials, with a size range between 1–10 nm, showcasing unique size-dependent physical and chemical properties. Such properties have potentiated their use in areas like medical imaging and biosensing. Herein, we present an open-air approach for synthesis of QDs, reducing the need for controllable atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, we present a predictive mathematical model for maximum emission wavelength (λmax) control. Through a straightforward microwave-based aqueous synthesis of TGA-CdTe QDs, we investigated the influence of time, temperature, and Te:Cd and TGA:Cd molar ratios on λmax, using a chemometric experimental design approach. CdTe-QDs were characterized by UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopies. Additionally, Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Energy Dispersive X-ray were conducted. Stable QDs with fluorescence ranging from green to red (527.6 nm to 629.2 nm) were obtained. A statistical analysis of the results revealed that time and temperature were the most significant factors influencing λmax. After fine-tuning the variables, a mathematical model with 97.7% of prediction accurately forecasted experimental conditions for synthesizing TGA-CdTe QDs at predefined λmax. Stability tests demonstrated that the QDs retained their optical characteristics for over a month at 4 °C, facilitating diverse applications.
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